
  • Encore un grand merci à Pascale pour cette petite trouvaille dans le Vieux Nice. Merci pour votre gentillesse et votre sérieux. Bonne continuation à vous.

    Véronique B.

  • On vient d'acheter à Nice avec Pascale. Un service impeccable jusqu'au bout de notre chemin d'achat! Grande réactivité et service personnalisé. Merci Pascale et Nice Homes !

    Graziela & Eric L.

  • I just wanted to say thank you to Pascale for helping us sell our apartment in [client's address]. Your professionalism and expertise helped us through the process without the slightest worry. Any small problems were quickly sorted out by yourself and contact through WhatsApp was excellent. I would gladly recommend you to anyone wanting to buy or sell in Nice. Kindest regards

    Clive R

  • Selling an apartment in a foreign country, during pandemic and when you don’t speak the language very well, is a daunting prospect, that was until we met Keely from Nice Homes.

    Keely had been highly recommended by a couple of friends and from the first time we met her, we felt very confident that she was the right person to help us with our sale. She has an extensive knowledge of the local property market and of the type of person our property might appeal to. Her efficiency stood out as she navigated us through all the legalities of the French system and matched us up with an excellent notary.

    The apartment was marketed very professionally, including a video presentation which was very important during the pandemic, and the many viewings came quickly soon after. A sale was agreed within three weeks.

    Keely always responded quickly to our questions and was very clear in her explanations of a very different system to ours in the UK. We highly recommend Keely as an estate agent but with her caring approach to dealing with customers you will also gain a friend. Thank you so much Keely for all your help and support.

    Sandra & Michael L

  • We have found that Nice Homes are by far the most professional of the many agencies that we have tried whilst looking for an apartment in the Nice area.

    Keely listened to our brief and worked very hard to find exactly what we had asked for. Given limited time in Nice, Keely went above and beyond to maximise our time and we now have our desired foothold in the Alpes Maritime. Her help and recommendations of Notaires and general advice were invaluable.

    If you want to bur or sell a property in this area I would look no further than Nice Homes.

    Ralph & Heather G

  • Je souhaite remercier Pascale pour toute son aide, son professionnalisme et son côté humain aussi ! Elle a su m’accompagner avec beaucoup d’attention et d’écoute ! A très bientôt pour un apéritif bien mérité ! Mes amitiés

    Angelina K

  • Over the last 5 years, Pascale has been our agent for selling the apartment, buying the house and now buying a new flat. She is super dynamic, professional and reliable. Thanks to Pascale, you feel 100% relaxed and reassured even in such a tricky business as home buying. She knows ins and outs of the real estate market, working with notaries and paperwork, always coming up with offers that are barely on the market. Pascale also now happens to be our neighbor living in the same street. She is just a very calm, kind, amazing person. Once you start working with her, you would want no other :)

    Matt C

  • My husband and I were first introduced to Keely when we were looking to purchase a home on the French Riviera; we had made enquiries with a number of agents but she was by far the most professional, attentive and tenacious. Dealing with someone that we could communicate with and not just in language, eased the process enormously and it actually became a very enjoyable journey because we knew that we were in safe professional hands.

    Keely helped us with all the legal processes of the purchase as well as introducing us to an excellent Notaire and guided us from beginning to end in securing what is now our perfect home in France. It cannot be understated how much we relied upon her professionalism but primarily we knew that we were dealing with someone that we could trust; she was effectively our eyes and ears on the ground in Nice while we were back in the UK and when you are dealing with legal processes that are important and alien, it is essential to have an excellent representative looking after your interests.

    We have continued to rely upon Keely for assistance since the purchase of our apartment and she has continued to offer that support willingly, she is a trustworthy person and easy to get along with which has resulted in us calling her a great friend, we probably wouldn’t have been enjoying our new French life to its fullest in the most beautiful home without her help; we would highly recommend her to any potential clients looking to buy or sell their property on the French Riviera.

    Penny & Dave R

  • We were looking to purchase an apartment for some time but it was not an easy task. Fast forward through many “unwilling agents”, we contacted Jenny and many viewings later in a pretty short period (since we were not an easy bunch) we are a happy owners. Jenny would always answer our calls, didn’t mind to visit and revisit, was straight forward, easygoing and had real customer service.

    Zuzana & Jaroslav

  • I cannot recommend Hassan more highly. He  is extremely professional and very personable. His perfect fluency in both English and French made the whole process of selling our flat in Nice both smooth and efficient. From the guidelines he sent us on our initial enquiry to the final signing of the contract, we could not fault his excellent communication skills. He made sure that we understood the process and that we were fully informed, contacting us frequently at every stage and always replying to our questions or queries. We would highly recommend him and Nice Homes to any prospective buyers or sellers. He made the whole process worry free.

    Sue M

  • Alexandre est un professionnel chevronné qui accompagne les projets de ses clients avec ténacité. Le domaine de l’immobilier est une vraie complémentarité à son parcours professionnel. Une voie exponentielle grâce à ses compétences.

    Stella A

  • Hassan made the experience of purchasing our flat in NIce effortless. 

    Being English we dreaded navigating the French real estate system. A needless dread as Hassan did the heavy lifting for us. He did it all; accompanied us to the notaire and even helped negotiate gas, electricity and insurance deals.

    We would greatly recommend him and his team.  A plus quality work. Thank you.

    Sara A

  • Simon made the entire property purchase experience stress free and seamless. His expert knowledge of both the areas in and around Nice and the purchasing process meant that he was able to offer timely and accurate advice and guidance. We were greatly impressed with both his professionalism and integrity and would happily recommend Simon to anyone considering purchasing or selling property in Nice!

    Phil & Margaret A

  • Alexandre a vendu notre appartement à un prix bien au-delà de nos espérances et a su le faire de manière très rapide. Il faut dire qu'Alexandre a su dès le départ mettre en valeur notre appartement grâce à sa maîtrise de la photographie. Cela lui a permis de trouver de nombreux clients potentiels qui ont voulu visiter notre bien. Sa sympathie et l'amour de son métier ont su déclencher l'achat coup de cœur. Nous referons évidemment appel à ses services si jamais nous devions vendre notre appartement actuel, Alexandre étant un formidable professionnel.

    Nicolas M

  • Amidst the choppy seas of chaos with Covid -19, travel restrictions and language barriers, the presence of Nice Homes particularly in the guise of Jenny was a calming oasis of peace, sound advice, constant reassurance and updates. 

    We were regularly kept informed of process and progress through emails, direct social media and phone calls. Simon also phoned me out of the blue one day, we spoke for several minutes. It was clear that Nice Homes are a very professional, friendly organisation that have the customer at the heart of their business model. 

    My brothers and I wholeheartedly recommend them to you. 

    The Mooney Brothers

  • After searching the Internet for a holiday home I made contact with Jenny at Nice Homes via their website. Jenny scheduled a call and we discussed the type of home we wanted and our budget. Jenny emailed details of various homes and we arranged to come to France for a weekend to look. Jenny was brilliant, she drove us to each of the viewings and knew the areas well. Jenny was open and honest and gave the best advice with no hard sell. From viewings to the legal side of the purchase, Jenny was with us all the way and answered any questions we had. Highly recommend Jenny, top notch, honest service. 

    Michelle J

  • While walking around Nice on holiday we noticed a “For Sale” sign on the balcony of a beautiful old building. We called the number and Hassan met us there, showed us the flat and made the buying process seamless.

    He personally guided us through the notaire procedure and introduced us to a service that transfered funds at the best rate. After the sale he even helped us find an interior decorator.

    If you are looking for an honest, diligent, and detail oriented agent choose Hassan. 

    Michael A

  • The Nice Homes team brought my hopes of finding a place and creating a beautiful base in Nice into reality. Coming from Canada with very limited time to spare, I was anticipating a challenge. However, Hassan and his colleagues were exceedingly professional, thoughtful, listened carefully to what I was looking for and were very efficient. They made the process enjoyable & fun.

    Nice Homes went above and beyond and helped me find colleagues to design and manage my home. Most importantly I now have lifelong friends. I would highly recommend this trustworthy, kind and knowledgeable team.

    Mariane H

  • This was my first experience of purchasing a property in France and Hassan saw to it that everything was made clear to me through the entire process. He understood exactly what my requirements were, and was able to offer suggestions and perspectives about areas in Nice I would otherwise have not known. Once I found my property, Hassan saw me through the whole buying process from making an offer to getting the keys. I am now happily settled into the property and extremely content with my purchase. I would thoroughly recommend the services of Hassan and Nice Homes for anyone thinking of purchasing a property on the Côte d'Azur.

    Lewis C.

  • Jeg har i 2019 købt en lille lejlighed i Nice.

    Jeg var så heldig at finde frem til Morten Rasmussen fra Nice Homes efter at have været gennem en række købsmæglere i Nice og omegn.

    Morten havde fra starten af en god fornemmelse af mine ønsker til beliggenhed. Lejligheden, som jeg endte med at købe var faktisk allerede under salgsforhandlinger, men Morten sørgede for, at jeg kunne komme til at se den. Jeg valgte efter samråd med Morten at købe til den udbudte pris. Herefter agerede Morten hurtigt med kontakt til mægler og så var lejligheden min.

    Herefter stod Morten til rådighed i forbindelse selve handlen og rådgav mig fint omkring de meget anderledes franske forhold. Selve den juridiske del af handlen med to møder hos notar forløb planmæssigt. Morten var i høj grad medvirkende til at processen forløb hurtigere en normalt.

    Det har været et meget fint forløb og jeg er meget tilfreds med Mortens assistance og har haft oplevelsen af at have en kompetent rådgivning gennem hele forløbet.

    Lars S

  • My husband and I had the best meeting with Simon last week. He so over-delivered on our expectations that we left knowing we’d like to work with him. Just a matter of finding the right property now. Thank you, Simon, for your generosity in helping us navigate the mysteries of buying a property in France! You rock!

    Katherine and Ian P

  • Personally, the most important aspect of finding the right estate agent to work with is trust; that’s what Nice Homes is all about. As a foreigner, the process seemed daunting but from a very comprehensive meeting with Simon at the start, I had a clear understanding of the entire process and it unfolded exactly as described with nothing unexpected and could proceed with confidence.  Jenny was outstanding! She gave me all the support I needed as a first time buyer: was available and willing to translate all the documents, presented options and provided excellent resources.  Thank you team Nice Homes! I couldn’t have had a better experience.

    Kate G

  • Marta and I were two foreign nationals looking to purchase our first home in Nice. We were recommended Hassan by a local friend as a knowledgeable and helpful professional. He successfully sourced our first home which we are incredibly happy with. We would not have found this apartment without Hassan’s help and initially we declined viewing it due to a slight deviation from our preferences. In aim of not limiting ourselves we did view the property under Hassan’s direction and since we have moved in and are completely satisfied with our purchase. We strongly recommend Hassan’s services especially for newcomers to Nice who lack French to an adequate standard.

    James P. and Marta B.

  • Keely has great sense of the market in French Rivera further to her great experience and understanding of each client's special needs and expectations. Being expatriate herself allows her to translate exactly the French way and mindset which facilitates the outcome of the transactions. Fluidity, smart, pragmatical and professional, are among her qualities as a broker and human being.

    Hugo L

  • Efter fire ejendomshandler i Frankrig gennem de sidste 14 år med Morten som ejendomsmægler kan jeg kun sige, at det uden ham havde været næsten umuligt. Han har formået at guide mig igennem den jungle og meget anderledes proces som det er at købe og sælge ejendom i Frankrig. Morten har bistået med alt fra vurderingen, kvalificeringen af kunderne, oversættelse hos notaren samt alt det praktiske i form af hjælp ved el, telefon og internet-installeringen.

    Jeg giver ham min varmeste anbefaling, da jeg altid har følt, at jeg har været i trygge hænder.

    Henrik M

  • Nous sommes ravis d'avoir fait confiance à Pascale ! Elle a très rapidement compris nos attentes et nous a permis de trouver le bien de nos rêves du premier coup ! Nous avons particulièrement apprécié sa communication avec l'agent immobilier des vendeurs. En un mot : Merci Pascale!!!

    Flavia & François-Xavier C

  • Nice Homes is reinventing the old business of Real Estate with an innovative entrepreneurial approach that puts buyers, sellers and even the agents up front as priorities. Needless to say, win win for all with high satisfaction rates. I have had the pleasure of working with the team and look forward to seeing the continued success of Nice Homes.

    Deborah D

  • Alexandre Bourgeois s'est très bien occupé de ma vente. Il s'est montré très attentif à mes souhaits et a bien mené cette vente. Il a été très disponible. Je suis très satisfaite du service qu'il m'a rendu et je peux sans hésiter le recommander aux amis qui souhaitent acheter ou vendre.

    Claudine A

  • We met Hassan on a personal recommendation and from the beginning of the whole process of selling our flat, we were very impressed with the service he and Nice Homes provided. As a result, we were able to sell our flat very quickly and without any problems. Hassan went out of his way to handle all the necessary formalities smoothly and I would have no hesitation in recommending him to buyers or sellers of property in Nice.

    Chris M

  • Nous remercions l'agence Nice Homes et plus particulièrement Pascale Villequey pour nous avoir accompagné dans notre recherche d'appartement. Grâce à Pascale, nous avons trouvé rapidement le bien correspondant à nos attentes. Ses conseils furent précieux et nous la remercions chaleureusement pour ce projet mené à bien du début jusqu'à la fin.

    Antoine & Solène

  • During the time my apartment in Nice was on sale, I dealt with several real state agencies in the area. At some point, someone recommended Nice Homes to me. Since the very beginning of working with Nice Homes, I could perceive their professionalism, their attention to detail and their responsibility. I felt that I could put my trust in them. I was always very pleased with how they dealt with me as their customer. A very energetic team providing an excellent service, committing to their word and offering very valuable feedback, market insights and counselling. I have been very happy and very pleased working with Nice Homes. For selling or buying a property, I would highly recommend Nice Homes.

    Angel A

  • Lorsque j'ai décidé de mettre mon appartement en vente, j'ai fait appel à Pascale Villequey qui m'avait été recommandée par une connaissance.
    Le premier contact à été très agréable. Je l'ai trouvée très sympathique et très professionnelle. Elle a réussi à vendre mon bien assez rapidement malgré les mauvaises conditions sanitaires actuelles. Je n'ai eu à m'occuper de rien concernant les rapports avec le notaire.
    Merci à Pascale pour son contact agréable et chaleureux, ainsi que pour son professionnalisme impeccable du début à la fin de la transaction.

    Simone C

  • My wife and I bought our apartment in Nice through Alexandre in May 2019. He turned out to be very professional, assisting us at all stages of the acquisition process, and even kept contact several months after we completed the sale to check that local authorities completed all their obligations to us, which was extremely helpful as we are not versed in details of the procedure. His fluency in English and Russian was also very helpful for us. We were very satisfied with his services.

    Alexei M

  • A chance encounter that reaped amazing rewards! Coming to Nice and searching for a property was a really frustrating experience for me. The local agents simply didn’t listen to my requirements, and after multiple visits we still hadn’t found our dream home… until a chance encounter with Simon in a local pub! His professionalism and care shone through immediately and are second to none. You really feel like his team at Nice Homes are there to help guide you through what can be a tricky process. From start to finish, I felt like I was in safe and trustworthy hands and we soon found our dream place. Thanks Simon I cannot recommend Nice Homes highly enough.

    Abel & Selina J

  • Jenny exceeded my expectations in my search and purchase of an apartment in Nice. She exercised considerable patience in showing me prospective units all over the city and clearly described all aspects of the property purchase process in France. Jenny also made the entire experience seem effortless by proactively managing many of the ancillary tasks associated with the purchase. I would gladly recommend her to anyone looking for a full-service property purchase solution on the Côte d’Azur.

    Paul S

  • Je cherchais à acheter un appartement depuis plusieurs mois. J’étais en contact avec plusieurs agences. Alexandre a su tirer son épingle du jeu. Il a été très attentif à mes critères, très réactif et disponible. J’ai pu acquérir un bien totalement en adéquation avec mes exigences, grâce à ses services. Je le recommande vivement.

    Caroline F

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